Did St. Augustine Teach Sola Fide?

In a previous tract on St. Augustine, I made the case that St. Augustine would properly be classified as Catholic and not Protestant.  In their attempts to make St. Augustine into a Protestant, men like John Calvin and other Reformed Protestants (RP) have tried to make the case that St. Augustine taught justification by faith alone, also known by the Latin slogan "sola fide".  RPs cite all the bountiful (but IMHO, selective) quotes of St. Augustine in Calvin's "Institutes of the Christian Religion" as proof that Augustine taught sola fide.  Like all other myths, the myth that Augustine was some kind of proto-Protestant in the fifth century dies hard. I have found that proving that Augustine is a Catholic is like trying to prove Karl Marx was a communist to someone who believes Marx was a capitalist.  The presuppositional grid that the RP views his world through seems to always view Augustine as the consumate Protestant.  I invite the reader to discover for himself whether St. Augustine taught justification by faith alone (sola fide) as did the Reformers.

Two doctrines that Augustine believed in that are normally counted as contrary to sola fide are Purgatory and penance. RPs reject both Purgatory and penance on the grounds that they add something that needs to be done to procure salvation, e.g. works. Purgatory and penance both add suffering for the expiation of sins. Protestants reject this suffering saying that Christ's work is finished and complete. Catholics say that suffering is what we are called to do as Christians,

 Now, my point is not to belabor suffering or the easy believism that sola fide has engendered in the 20th century.  What I would like to demonstrate is that Augustine did not teach it.

Now if Augustine did teach sola fide, you would think that the first man to popularize the doctrine would cite Augustine as an authority.  Is that what Martin Luther did?  Most definitely not.  Regarding St. Augustine, Luther wrote:

Well, why would Luther say Augustine erred by not teaching sola fide?  Every RP knows that St. Augustine was a Protestant, right?  Well, before we say that, let's take a look at what St. Augustine has written:
  In the above quote, Augustine writes that sins are forgiven in baptism, prayer, and in penance.  Does that sound like sola fide to you?  However, there is more:  In the very long passage from "A Treastise on Grace and Free Will", Augustine clearly says that God rewards our faith and works with eternal life.  The evidence is now mounting on why Luther thought Augustine erred in teaching a justification that was not by faith alone.  There is more: Augustine wrote that if faith without works is sufficient for salvation, then the apostle James would be in error--and so would Paul.  Augustine rejects the notion that faith alone is sufficient for salvation.

Finally, consider what Alistair McGrath, the eminent Reformed Protestant theologian writes about justification:

Although McGrath does not specifically mention Augustine, it is easy to deduce that if Augustine taught the Reformation doctrine of justifcation, then sola fide would not be a "genuine theological novum."  As the reader should now be aware, Augustine did not teach sola fide.  For more evidence that Augustine was not a Protestant, please see the article "Was St. Augustine a Protestant?".  See also Dave Armstrong's page on St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas.
